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Sample daily parent communication

Our Pre-Kindergarten Division is for children aged 3 years by the September of the school year to 6 years old. 

Short Day Program is from 8:45-1:45 (with extended day and after school class options available) 5 days a week only for children aged 3-4 years. 

Long Day Program is from 8:45-2:45pm (with extended day and after school class options available) 5 days a week for children aged 3-6 years. 

This is an exciting time for ABC students as they move to the ‘upstairs classroom’ and have a whole new world of materials to explore! Children’s fine motor skills are often developing quickly at this age and they are ready for more focused skill-based lessons. Friendships really begin to blossom and teachers work closely to support interpersonal communication. A balanced curriculum allows for child-directed learning, teacher-led activities and more complex physical activities and learning centers. 

Our PreK children come to school filled with questions, theories and curiosity. As their concentration expands and interests are widening, they are ready to tackle a full curriculum of learning activities balanced with artistic expression, scientific exploration and lots of physical activity. Free play is still of utmost importance at this age and often questions from learning centers are re-visited during that important time. Core academics are focused on in more depth and children work on language development, reading and writing, mathematical concepts as well as the visual and performing arts. 

Sample Weekly curriculum for pre-K